WordPress Plugin, Indeed WordPress Widget – Jobroll

Indeed WordPress Widget. A simple WordPress Plugin, that display Indeed Jobroll widget in WordPress widget area. This indeed widget needs Indeed publication ID. Very easy to install and run. You can get the Plugin form my Download page. Currently Indeed WordPress Widget is very simple widget, but have plans to make it more useful and feature rich….

Indeed WordPress Widget

A few month back I have worked on WordPress site related to jobs search and posting. The site was using IndeedPress. During that time I came to know about Indeed Publication, so I just put a “cut paste” widget to my site too using simple WordPress core text widget. Was working good. But after sometime I thought of making some color change on it. So I get the new code from Indeed and paste it again Bang 🙁 got broken(as the html code was included scripts and styles on it ).

Now if some one ask why didn’t break first time… the answer is I just made my WordPress Network enable.  And from my research I found html tags get stripped from Network site text widget. But I want to put the widget back as I saw some clicks on it. So I created this

Simple Indeed Jobroll Widget

Indeed WordPress Widget

Indeed WordPress Widget a simple widget but it can earn money for you. Currently Indeed WordPress Widget is very simple widget, but have plans to make it more useful and feature rich. I placed it on WordPress repos for reviews, will update the post with a link ASAP. Here is the WordPress.org direct download link

You can get the Plugin form my Download page. I will be very happy if Indeed WordPress Widget helps you anyway. Reviews/Comments/Suggestions will inspire me for future development to add new features. https://wordpress.org/plugins/simple-indeed-jobroll-widget/

I have tested Indeed WordPress Widget on WordPress single setup on my local it works good. And the sample you here on right side is running on a network site. The local single setup WordPress version was 4-beta-4 and this network runs on latest release version. Please let me know if you get any bug with indeed WordPress widget.

 Important: You must have Indeed Publication ID to show indeed jobroll widget. If u don’t have any u can have one here

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