Rezaur's Development Network

WP Function wp_normalize_path()

This is the fist time by contributed a full function page on WordPress Codex and listed is on all function page  too. I’m very very happy I was able to did it. The WP function wp_normalize_path() was just introduced on WordPress 3.9

On windows systems, replaces backslashes with forward slashes and forces upper-case drive letters. Ensures that no duplicate slashes exist. Call the functions to normalize a filesystem path. This function is mainly for windows based server, to replaces backslashes with forward slashes, and ensures no duplicate slashes exist.

It’s will be a very useful WP  function, without any doubt. Especially for windows local host user and those who have web server OS as Windows Seven

I have Used it on my new theme

Example for this wp function:

$bS_incl_path = get_template_directory() . '/inc';
* Define theme include path
* Normalize the include path to be safe on windows hosts
* @return string Normalized path
* require min WordPress version 3.9
* @since boot_Strap 1.0.1

$bS_incl_path = wp_normalize_path($bS_incl_path);

define('THM_INC', $bS_incl_path);
require_once (THM_INC. '/wp_bootstrap_navwalker.php');

The codex function page link is here