Your body has enough iron in it to make a metal nail 3 inches long.

Add Icon Image to WordPress Plugins

How to Add Header and Icon Image to WordPress Plugins

With upcoming changes on WordPress 4.0, the Plugins Directory's page is changing after a long pause. The same happening on wp-admin Plugin page too. The new look with have a Plugin Icon With title, descriptions and other info of the Plugin. This new changes will not put any effect with the earlier Plugin header image. The Plugin header image will be there same as before. For some one new with the WordPress Plugin development, here is how to add the header image please follow the same steps below.... »»

WordPress Buddy Launches in Canada

WordPress Themes Service Chesley, ON (PRWEB)... »»

WP Function wp_normalize_path()

This is the fist time by contributed a full function... »»



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WordPress Bootstrap Theme

WordPress Bootstrap Theme

Not Just Another Bootstrap theme for WordPress. This theme is written for the WordPress beginner. This WordPress Bootstrap theme is highly flexible theme based on _S (Underscore). Bootstrap WordPress theme is free to use.



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