Did you know, your ears and nose never stop growing.

Rockstar WordPress Designer VS Digging Into WordPress

Rockstar WordPress Designer VS Digging Into WordPress WordPress is a... »»

Coosing a good Domain Name

Choosing a Good Domain Name ? Tips and Tricks

Domain names can be of any length up to 67 characters. You don't have to settle for an obscure domain name like avab.com when what you mean is AcmeVideosAndBooks.com. Having said that, there appears to be some disagreement about whether a long or short domain name is better. My view is long domains are ok – but don't go beyond 4-5 words max. »»

indeed wordpress widget

WordPress Plugin, Indeed WordPress Widget – Jobroll

Indeed WordPress Widget. A simple WordPress Plugin, that display Indeed Jobroll widget in WordPress widget area. This indeed widget needs Indeed publication ID. Very easy to install and run. You can get the Plugin form my Download page. Currently Indeed WordPress Widget is very simple widget, but have plans to make it more useful and feature rich.... »»



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All writings are based on working experience. There could be a hundreds of way to do, mine is just one of them. Fell free to make your comments to respected post of your interest.

WordPress Bootstrap Theme

WordPress Bootstrap Theme

Not Just Another Bootstrap theme for WordPress. This theme is written for the WordPress beginner. This WordPress Bootstrap theme is highly flexible theme based on _S (Underscore). Bootstrap WordPress theme is free to use.



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